Tracking My Weightloss

Thursday, July 19, 2007


So this morning I weighed in at 231.1 pounds. Now most folks would be like...well damn...that's a heavy mofo!!! Especially since I'm only five foot four, but a sista like me, who used to weigh in at 245.3 just two months a happy ass mofo!

So how did I do it? Ummm, well I stopped stuffing my face and my belly to the point of being sick. Seriously. I also started working out a lot. Actually I try to have my fat ass in the gym at least 3 times a week, though it usually ends up being about 4 times out of the week. The almost daily torture includes, hitting the treadmill once a week for two miles and taking a lot of different excercise classes to keep the workout new and interesting. Some days after class I just want to fall the eff out and die in peace, but after I shower then I feel like I'm the HBIC again!!!

Though i'm down just 14.2 pounds it feels like so much more. My clothes either finally fit or they're so loose they don't fit at all. I've had to have the waist line of all my pants cinched in and I will probably need to do this again relatively soon. I really don't want to go on a shopping spree just yet. I'm waiting to hit my 25 pound milestone.

I also started taking these fat blocking pills called Alli. Honestly a lot of the time i forget to take them, but the cool thing about the Alli plan is that you can go to their website to communicate with people going through your same situation, so you have an idea of what works for some and what hasn't worked for others. There seems to be a lot of skepticism about these pills, but they do work. Whenever you eat anything heavy in fat, you SEE it when you use the bathroom (I'll just leave that to your imagination). lol I can tell you, overdosing on high fatty foods when taking these pills will leave you in the bathroom with the hersey squirts, so I stay away from the high fatty foods now. Alli online also teaches you about counting fat grams and finding healthier choices. Now sometimes the healthier choices are not exactly what i would like to eat, but there are a lot of healthy choices that i do prefer. More on that at a later date.

Anyway this is my first day blogging for better weightloss. I'm 14 pounds down and have fifty million more to go - yeah baby!!!


Chris said...

Great Job!! I always found when I work out, I pay more attention to what I eat. I make a mental note of how long it takes to burn off the food of choice. I lay the candy bar down a lot faster after working out. LOL Keep up the good work.

BigLoser said...

Thank you! I'm trying and it's always a great motivator when you have people rooting for ya! So thanks again!!!